Sunday, December 14, 2008

In the gallery...

This floral painting done a couple years ago is displayed in a little gallery in Sherwood, Oregon called Odgepodge. I love looking at it and finding new perspectives that I could not see when I was painting it. I did learn alot from this one, mostly that I prefer smaller bouquets for painting. It is for sale.

The windmills were done this summer following my trip to Europe and a visit to the Netherlands. Truly inspiring countyside. I did have a chance to visit some museums when I was there and have a "painting" lesson just studying the brushwork of the masters; Rembrandt and the gang.


About Me

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S.Ballard, painter
Sherwood, Oregon, United States
Even on the golf course I contemplate the beauty of creation; doesn't improve my game but gives me great joy.
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